Pandemic 2022: Bird Flu

By Eric Utter

Wuhan Flu COVID-19, Beta Variant, Delta Variant, Lambda Variant, Mu Variant, Omicron Variant…had enough yet?  They just keep coming.  And now “experts” are warning that a massive bird flu outbreak could be 2022’s deadly pandemic.  Yes, scientists are now saying a significant outbreak of bird flu in Israel’s Galilee could become a “mass disaster” for human beings, a global emergency.

Though most strains of avian flu (H5N1) are not easily transmitted to people, the World Health Organization says the virus is deadly to those it does infect, killing over half of those who contract it.  Israeli ornithologist Yossi Leshem recently told The Daily Beast that it is the ability of these viruses to mutate into new strains, à la the coronavirus, that is most worrisome.  Leshem, a zoologist at Tel Aviv University, stated, “There could be a mutation that also infects people and turns into a mass disaster.”

One gets the impression that authorities have already lined up pandemics for 2023, 2024, and 2025, too.  If not beyond.  “Never let a crisis go to waste,” right?  And, if they are concerned there might not be a real — and truly dire — crisis, it would behoove them to make one up.  After all, they are obviously intoxicated by the power the current pandemic has afforded them and the control we have granted them through our nauseating obsequiousness.

There is another mutation that has already infected far too many people…one that is a “mass disaster.”  It is a mutation of the soul, heart, character.  That mutation has caused people — even those in formerly liberty-loving nations like the United States — to jettison their personal integrity, autonomy, freedom, and independence for a chimerical chance at guaranteed physical safety.

Will Dr. Fauci recommend that we all live under our beds in 2022 until the threat of avian flu has passed?  Until 95% of us have been injected with a new experimental “vaccine”?

What will cause us to wet our pants in fear next?  What will grant permanent tyrannical power to the elected — and unelected — elites and relegate the rest of us to permanent peasant/peon/vassal status?

Bat flu?  Kung flu?  Cedar-Apple Rust?  The heartbreak of psoriasis?  Reynaud’s Syndrome?  Whirling (Trout) Disease?  Global warming?  Global cooling?  Climate change?  Climate stability?  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?  The prospect of an asteroid colliding with the Earth?

If you ask me, this whole damn sham is for the birds.

John Adams once said:

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.

Perhaps we can make (and keep?) a meaningful New Year’s resolution for 2022: “I vow to emphasize and celebrate life, not fear.  I vow to live as the Founders did, pledging my life and sacred honor to the cause of freedom, that generations as yet unborn will have a chance to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

Or, in other words, “Don’t tread on me.”

Wiesenthal Center announces: German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle among the “Anti-Semites of the Year”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center decided “not to put neo-Nazi groups on the list,” said head Rabbi Marvin Hier, but European public broadcasters such as the BBC and German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, because they posed the far worse threat.

“Deutsche Welle had to suspend four employees and one freelancer from its Arabic service” because of anti-Semitic and Holocaust-relativising remarks, the Wiesenthal Center said. Deutsche Welle is funded with €390 million a year from the Chancellor’s Office budget.

In Baden-Württemberg, the coalition government of Winfried Kretschmann employs the anti-Semitism commissioner Michael Blume, who likes posts on Facebook that equate “Zionists” with Nazis and supports town twinning with the anti-Semitic regime in Tehran.

Anti-Semitism is exploding in Germany under the current government, the Wiesenthal Center complains. “In June, the federal government confirmed an overwhelming number of anti-Semitic hate crimes in 2020 – 2,275, at least 55 of which involved violence. More than 1,000 anti-Semitic incidents were registered in Berlin in 2020, an increase of almost 20% from the previous year. Samuel Salzborn, anti-Semitism commissioner of the state of Berlin, admitted: ‘One thing is clear: Berlin has an anti-Semitism problem’,” according to the Wiesenthal Centre.

A law to protect ‘mental privacy’?

Spain will follow the path of Chile and will regulate by law neurotechnologies that seek to cognitively extend the human being, such as those proposed by Elon Musk.

Chile is already finalizing the legislation that will regulate neurotechnologies, stating that to acquire these devices, in many cases, a prescription will be required. Spain will follow in its footsteps with a Charter of Digital Rights that regulates devices not intended to heal brain diseases, but to expand human cognition.

Business Insider reported on the BRAIN Initiative, a project that the Obama Administration launched in 2013 with the ambition of mapping the entire brain with funding amounting to $4.5 billion over 15 years. Its purpose is similar to the Human Genome Project that culminated in 2003.

The private sector has been betting on neurotechnology, especially with Neuralink, Elon Musk’s company, which plans to implant chips in human brains from 2022. The NeuroRights Foundation has therefore been promoting legislation in different parts of the world on neuro rights, the integrity and the security of mental privacy which are now at stake.

Article 19 of the current Chilean Constitution (although a constituent process is already underway to replace it) thus provides “the right to life and physical and mental integrity of the person”.

The new law “already firmly defines what neurotechnology is, what brain-computer interfaces are as well as neural data, and which will regulate how neurotechnology can be deployed and used in Chile,” explained Rafael Yuste, a Spaniard who does research at Columbia University and one of its promoters.

Yuste is part of Spain’s advisory committee of the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, an office that depends on the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. It launched its Digital Rights Charter this year.

The charter anticipates many of the risks and criticisms that the deployment of these neurotechnological systems could face, such as that “decisions and processes” based on it “are not conditioned by the supply of incomplete or biased data, programs or information”.

Graphene oxide found in the vaccines of major pharmaceutical brands have been linked to neuromodification, thrombosis, blood-clotting, ACS and myocarditis.

France: Confirmation of the six-month closure of the Great Mosque of Beauvais for “glorification of Jihad

A closure for six months. This is the essence of the decision taken by the prefecture of the Oise department on Monday December 27 against the Grand Mosque in Beauvais, explains Le Parisien. In fact, at the request of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, the prefect decided to administratively close the place of worship because of some extremely radical sermons, because they glorify jihad, and violence against Christians and Jews. Neither the Association of Devout Muslims, which runs the Islamic place of worship, nor its lawyer have yet reacted to the decision.

“For several months, an imam of this mosque has been giving anti-republican sermons in which he declared that religious laws take precedence over the laws of the Republic,” recalls Corinne Orzechowski, prefect of the department of Oise. “There was also a glorification of jihad, which can be considered a call to terrorism, and discriminatory statements against homosexuals and women,” explains the state representative. The accused tried to justify themselves, but the decision has been made. The prefect explains that this temporary closure may still have to be changed “depending on what the leaders of the place of worship will or will not do”.

France: A 15-year-old girl was held captive for several days by a radicalised Muslim and raped

On Sunday afternoon, police intervened to arrest a man suspected of holding a 15-year-old teenager captive in her flat for several days, raping and abusing her.(…)
“I approached her. The teenager urged me to come, she told me that she had been raped, that she had almost died, that the man had locked her up but had just gone shopping.” The voice comes from the doorway of an open bay window blocked by a sticking blind. “I was able to pull the blind up several decimetres. The girl was naked, I told her to get a towel and her clothes. Then she crawled under the blind.”

The girl was in a catastrophic condition, as N. reported when he brought the 15-year-old out of the house.
(…) “She was scared, she wouldn’t let go of me, she was shaking all over. She clung to me until the rescue services arrived. She told me that she was from Douai, had been kidnapped by this man and had been locked up in this flat since last Monday. She told me that she had called for help several times without anyone answering her.”

The man, described as a radical Muslim, lives in the area and spends his days fixing cars or terrorising the neighbourhood. “Two years ago he shouted “Allah akbar” in the middle of the night. I thought I saw gas cylinders and was afraid he was going to blow up the building, so I called the police,” explains another neighbour. She says the GIGN then went to the scene and arrested the man before he was released again. “He suffers from a mental disorder so he gets released every time. He knows this and takes advantage of it,” she added. La Voix du Nord

Czech president warns against migration and EU’s Green Deal

The year 2021 was not an easy one, and the next one will not be any easier. Czech President Miloš Zeman stated in his Christmas speech on Sunday.

According to him, several threats hang over the Czech Republic. Some will come from outside, while other ones will must be averted by the new government of Petr Fiala.

“The government has three tasks. It must suppress the pandemic, cope with the energy crisis and stabilize the state budget,” said Zeman.

The president expressed worry about the worsening global security situation. According to him, the reason behind his worry is the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, which is now under control of the radical Taliban Islamist group.

“This ‘Afghan Munich’ will lead to an intensification of migration flows from Afghanistan, but above all to an increased risk of new terrorist attacks in the EU — similar to the September 11 attacks organized by the Taliban,” Zeman said.

He also views the EU’s Green Deal as a significant danger. According to the president, environmentalism, once a serious science, has become a religion, with Greta Thunberg as its prophet. He also criticized the ban on the use of natural gas as an energy commodity and the ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines after the year 2035, which, according to him, will lead to the undermining of the energy sector and subsequently to poverty.

He considers one of the most crucial tasks of the new government to manage the coronavirus epidemic and called for the introduction of compulsory vaccination. The arrival of new variants of the virus allegedly led him to change his opinion about it.

“I am convinced that compulsory vaccination is the easiest way to suppress the pandemic. The regulation exists for many diseases. There is no reason not to assign Covid-19 to them. I am in favor of a radical intervention that will resolve the situation once and for all,” he added.

He called the state budget for next year insufficiently pro-investment and uneconomical in his speech. According to some reports, he allegedly considered vetoing the budget.

Zeman said the solution would be to rescind tax exemptions, which, he said would save (€15/1 billion) 380 billion korunas.

EU: Number of infections and Covid deaths hugely manipulated

Mathematician and statistician Pavlos Kolias of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece has checked EU data on Corona for anomalies. He did so on the basis of Benford’s laws, which expose anomalies in the distribution of the figures.

Kolias noted that the number of “infections” and deaths has been largely misrepresented throughout the EU.

Deviations from Benford’s distribution are a preliminary step for obtaining evidence for data manipulation. Interestingly, Kolias’ study did not receive any funding.

Dutch health sciences professor Sam Bokken spoke of a “statistical bomb”. Notably Belgium, the Netherlands and France scored poorly with a significant and highly significant probability value in terms of “infections” and a very high probability of deviation in the number of registered deaths.

Especially in countries with high vaccination coverage, the deviations were greater. “In short, yet more proof that the figures that reach us every day are not correct,” concluded Bokken. Overall, Denmark, Greece and Ireland showed the greatest deviation from a normal distribution.

Countries with a high vaccination coverage showed more data distortion than countries with a low vaccination coverage, he added. “So it becomes clear that numbers are driven to sell the policy.”

Fired for speaking out against Corona policy

Bokken was fired earlier this year by the PXL University of Applied Sciences in Hasselt because as a scientist he questioned the government’s Corona approach. “I was simply informed over the phone that I must stop my activities with immediate effect,” he said.

Not only has he been fired, but he is also being censored by social media companies such as LinkedIn. “It is impossible for me to share any analysis with you. Even a simple link to my website is blocked,” he said.

“What I say is what tens of thousands of virologists and experts worldwide say.” The researcher was nevertheless fired after a televised debate with vaccinologist Pierre Van Damme on 14 February on the Belgian talkshow De Zevende Dag.

“I have been dismissed as an antivaxxer by many journalists, but I am not at all,” Bokken said. “During the debate on De Zevende Dag, I spoke for exactly 1 minute and 49 seconds. I said that I had ethical reflections when administering a vaccine when you know that the general population only shows mild symptoms when they become infected with the virus. We are now at a mortality rate of 0,05 percent for people under the age of 70. Is it then justifiable that we are going to vaccinate an entire population? There is actually no need for that. The same goes for a flu vaccine. That too is only useful for people with a condition or the elderly.”

Sam Bokken pointed out that many experts had agreed with his view. “A month after that televised broadcast, an open letter was published and was signed by 41 000 virologists, immunologists and other experts proposing exactly what I said. Among the signatories are world authorities and professors from the largest universities. Even former Nobel laureate Michael Levitt is included. Why not consider an alternative approach?”

Dutch health authority prefers fear mongering

The Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) warned in the House of Representatives barely two weeks ago that the Omicron variant could potentially lead to 600 hospital admissions and more than 100 intensive care admissions per day, twice the level at which the last wave peaked. “It’s not all reassuring,” said RIVM boss Jaap van Dissel. He based his prediction on the number of hospital admissions expected in Britain.

As a result of these predictions, the government decided to institute a hard lockdown. Nobel laureate Michael Levitt expressed his astonishment, saying that the Netherlands has set the record for worst approach to Corona ever.

Levitt noted on December 19 that “the Netherlands peaked 18 days ago, as predicted”.

“The RIVM’s fear models again prove worthless and the government’s policy is completely disproportionate and very harmful. Can the cabinet at least admit its blunder and lift the panic lockdown immediately?” noted Member of Parliament Wybren van Haga.

Lawsuit to stop lockdown

On December 28, summary proceedings against lockdowns will take place. Lawyer Bart Maes has demanded the immediate lifting of the lockdown that is currently in force. “The judge is required to give a ruling immediately because of the urgent interest. After all, every day that this lockdown lasts longer, the material and immaterial damage increases,” said the lawyer.

“The fear surrounding Omicron is therefore purely based on models from the RIVM and, as with the Delta variant, they are miles away from reality, as is already apparent from information from countries such as South Africa.”

The lawyer further highlighted that as a result of the lockdown, many more life years have been lost than life years are gained. Professor Ira Helsloot and economist Barbara Baarsma have also calculated that the corona policy has extended the lifespan of Corona patients by an average of two weeks. However, all other people sacrificed an average of five weeks of their lifespan for this. The cost of this policy was 100 billion euros, according to them.

A report has also emerged that was drawn up by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, which showed that an additional 520 000 life years would be destroyed if a lockdown was imposed. The government ignored the report.

Chinese aggression: Europe raises the white flag

by Giulio Meotti

Niall Ferguson had explained that, with the fall of Hong Kong, Taiwan would be the heart of the confrontation between the West and China. All the great centers of cultural, political, religious and media power of the West are capitulating over China: film studios, Western universities, the Vatican, the WHO … There is a tiny European country in trouble for defending “Maginot Island”, the Taiwanese nationalist outpost in the heart of Red China.

In the center of Vilnius, on the 16th floor of a building, there is a small diplomatic office which has become the epicenter of a major geopolitical dispute that threatens to disrupt the European Union’s relations with China. It doesn’t look very prestigious from the outside. But this is Taiwan’s diplomatic seat in Lithuania, the first de facto embassy in Europe to bear the name “Taiwan”, just three kilometers from the much larger Chinese embassy. Vytautas Landsbergis, one of the “founding fathers” of Lithuanian democracy, aged 89, but still hugely influential in the country’s ruling conservative party, spoke on the day of inauguration, comparing Lithuania’s struggle for independence to that of Taiwan.

China immediately threatened to hand the small European state into the “trash bin of history” after challenging Beijing by allowing Taiwan to open a representative office in Vilnius. Lithuania, which has a population of 3 million, has broken with its European neighbors by formally recognizing Taiwan, which opened its office in Vilnius in November. Only 15 countries in the world have a formal diplomatic alliance due to the boycott and pressure from China.

The Lithuanians had to evacuate their embassy in Beijing. It is not the first time. As early as 2000 there was a diplomatic incident when a conference on the crimes of communism was organized during the Chinese visit to Vilnius.

Not only is Lithuania paying a heavy economic price for its decision. Total blockade of Lithuanian goods from entering China. Beijing is already boycotting even those European countries that use Lithuanian components in their industrial production. Industrial and trade organizations told Politico that the Chinese embargo is now affecting manufactured goods from other EU countries, such as France, Germany and Sweden, which depend on Lithuanian supply chains.

“With fewer than three million people, little Lithuania poses no threat to China,” writes the Wall Street Journal. “But you wouldn’t tell from how Beijing is behaving.” We have already seen this movie. When Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an international investigation into the origins of Covid-19, China imposed tariffs on Australian exports. Since China accounted for a high percentage of Australian exports, people wondered if Canberra would raise the white flag. The Australians didn’t give in, to their great credit .

Europe did not respond as well as the Australians.

“It’s like the classic Chinese saying: ‘Kill a chicken to scare the monkey,'” said a senior EU diplomat in China. “Beijing is sending the message that anyone who follows Lithuania’s example, daring to oppose it, will face serious consequences. And such a message is best tested on a smaller country.”

When a children’s book published in Germany claimed the coronavirus came from China, the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese companies in Germany launched a protest campaign. A Corona Rainbow for Anna and Moritz, the title of the book, wanted to help children understand the radically different world they found themselves in following the pandemic. In the illustrated book, the children’s father says: “The virus comes from China and from there it spread all over the world.” On social media, the Chinese in Germany accused the book of “spreading racism among children in Germany.” Then the Chinese consulate in Hamburg, which “presented solemn protests against the publisher”. The threats worked. And the book was withdrawn.

Europe thinks that economic relations with China cannot be compromised by the principled positions of a Baltic state. The European Union has in fact raised the white flag for now. “The European Union has failed to protect Greece from Turkey’s attempt to drill for gas: it was the French who acted, with warships and planes,” writes Edward Luttwak. “Now the EU fails to protect the Lithuania from Chinese coercion regarding its defense of the vals gold of the EU. Unless this changes, the EU is over ”.

A day after Lithuania decided to withdraw all its diplomats from Beijing, the 27 EU leaders gathered in Brussels spent just three minutes on the unprecedented confrontation which, writes Politico, “threatens to lay bare how little space there is little maneuver Europe has to undertake commercial actions to defend political principles ”.

When a single European country comes under attack, Brussels capitulates. It did not respond to Turkish threats at Greece’s maritime borders. It let Poland alone face Belarus’s “hybrid war” with migrants on its border (it is no coincidence that Lithuania has built a wall on the border with Belarus to repel the onslaught of migrants). Italy has for years been abandoned to its fate in the face of migratory waves. And now little Lithuania.

NATO, to which the Baltic country belongs, is also silent, perhaps because it is too worried by Ukraine, which is not part of the Atlantic Alliance and it is not clear why it should join.

The European intellectual class is silent. Nobody writes appeals “we are all Lithuanians”.

Milan Kundera explained that Czechoslovakia was only a “small country” that was in danger of being annihilated. For this reason, the countries of Eastern Europe today, says the Wall Street Journal, are aligning themselves with Taiwan. “We know very well from our history what it’s like to live with an older brother behind us,” said Milos Vystrcil, the president of the Czech Senate.

To Beijing, the Lithuanians have responded as Brussels should have done, that what remains of communism will end up in the trash bin of history.