WATCH: War of migrants against Berlin police on New Year’s Eve – supermarket set on fire – Tonnes of fireworks stored there that were not permitted to be sold because of Corona explode

The blaze of a supermarket in the Berlin district of Buckow triggered a large-scale operation by the Berlin fire brigade on New Year’s Eve. The building, which covers about 800 square metres, went up in flames and collapsed, a fire brigade spokesman said early this morning. Apparently fireworks stored in the back of the market exploded during the extinguishing work and flew through the area, so that the 110 firemen had to take care of their self-protection.According to the spokesperson, the fire brigade was initially alerted to burning rubbish containers in the loading zone. When the fire brigade arrived at the supermarket, the flames had already spread to the roof. The interior quickly caught fire as well. The firefighters were only able to extinguish the fire from the outside.

As in Vienna, the mob in Berlin, yelling Allahu Akbar, marched through the streets of course not wearing Corona face masks, while the Germans had to stay in their houses and were not even allowed to set off New Year’s Eve firecrackers

In 2020, fundamental rights and freedoms were taken away, after all, it all served the higher purpose of saving human lives. At least that was the narrative of those in power. In the meantime, countless false assumptions and claims about Covid-19 and SARS-CoV-2 have been scientifically refuted. More and more people are also refraining from the vaccination that was presented as the ultimate rescue: the risks are too high, the benefits too unclear.The divide between those who govern and those who are governed was probably what German government television wanted to illustrate last night.The broadcaster ZDF really made a big splash in front of the Brandenburg Gate at the annual New Year’s Eve countdown. Of course, there was no obligation for those attending to wear a mask – just as there was no audience, because the undeserving German citizen had to stay at home and refrain from celebrating. To ensure that no onlookers approached the party of the privileged instead of sitting in front of the TV at home, 500 police officers secured the venue.But it is probably not only politicians and their henchmen who will be exempt from such restrictions. As every year, the “event and party scene” was extremely active last night: while 500 police officers guarded the ZDF party in Berlin, migrant mobs marched through the streets of the Neukölln district, for example, chanting “Allahu akbar”.

Considering that the sale of sparklers and firecrackers was even banned in Berlin, the explosive power of the “firecrackers” in the video above makes one think. Shouldn’t the citizens do without their little firecrackers so that no one injured by firecrackers fills the hospitals? Where is the outcry from the authorities? Of course – there is none.

WATCH: Civil war-like incidents and yells of “Allahu Akbar” again on New Year’s Eve in Vienna

Vienna’s head of the Freedom Party (FPÖ), city councillor Dominik Nepp, was shocked today by the riots committed by criminal Islamist migrant mobs on New Year’s Eve in Vienna’s Favoriten district. According to media reports, the window panes of a jeweller were smashed while shouting Allah. “ÖVP Interior Minister Nehammer has remained completely passive since the outbreak of the riots in June 2020. Instead of spying on good citizens who might be visiting their grandparents, the Minister of the Interior should rather take charge to arrest and deport such migrant gangs,” Nepp said.

The migrant riots are the result of the uncontrolled mass immigration of the last decades. “The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ), the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the Greens have allowed these criminals to come to Austria and are supporting them with social benefits. The Viennese must now pay for the consequences of this fatal welcome policy,” criticises Nepp.

“If the dead loss Nehammer does not act immediately and put an end to the unrest in our beautiful Vienna, he must immediately resign. The incompetence of the ÖVP Minister of the Interior must no longer be tolerated,” emphasises the Viennese FPÖ party leader.