2000 radical Islamists demonstrated in Hamburg, police on site with a large contingent

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Once again tolerated incitement to hatred by Islamists in the middle of Germany, yet another authorised demonstration by radicals who despise our system of values but insist on freedom of assembly!

Since 6 pm, hundreds of Islamists have been gathering on Hamburg’s Steindamm in the St. Georg district, directly behind Hamburg’s main railway station: under the slogan ‘Stop the genocide against our Uyghur brothers and sisters in East Turkistan’, the radicals wanted to hold a three-hour rally. More than 2,000 participants were expected to attend the rally, which was organised by Joe Adade Boateng (25, ‘Raheem Boateng’), a student from Hamburg and leader of the Islamist movement. Boateng is one of the heads of ‘Muslim Interaktiv’, an Islamist organisation closely linked to the banned ‘Hizb ut-Tahrir’. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been monitoring ‘Muslim Interaktiv’ for a long time.

The rally started at around 6.20 pm! Hundreds of police officers were deployed in Hamburg city centre and water cannons were deployed at the hate rally.

Joe Adade Boateng stepped up to the lectern and ranted against Israel as he spoke into the microphone: ‘We all know a region where expulsion is normality. A government that publicly announces its plans for destruction, that attacks hospitals and schools, that hides thousands of explosive devices and detonates them with no regard for casualties. The whole world sees what is happening in Gaza and now in Lebanon.’ The crowd of mostly young men responded frenetically with shouts of ‘Allah!’

A surprise at around 7 p.m.: after just 40 minutes and several speakers, the Islamists finished and brought the rally to an end – even though a three-hour demonstration had been announced. The rally quickly dispersed and everything remained peaceful. An investigator: ‘Obviously the organisers had planned three hours for set-up and dismantling.’

In April, there was a scandal on Steindamm that attracted nationwide attention: ‘Muslim Interactive’ held a rally and participants openly called for the establishment of a caliphate as a ‘solution’.

The Islamists had previously advertised this Saturday’s demonstration on the internet and spread massive propaganda online, so why was such a manifestation of hate once again allowed to take place in the Hanseatic city? The police’s hands were tied!

A police spokesperson told the newspaper BILD: ‘There was an intensive examination by the assembly authorities, also with regard to a possible ban on the assembly. As the right to freedom of assembly enshrined in the Basic Law is a cornerstone of our democracy, an assembly can only be banned under special circumstances, e.g. if life or limb are endangered. The examination by the assembly authority has shown that a ban is not possible.’

However, there were strict conditions for participants in the Islamist hate rally: any ‘prohibited symbols and criminal offences in connection with the approval or glorification of attacks on Israel’ were prohibited – including the burning of Israeli flags or questioning Israel’s right to exist. Calls for a caliphate in Germany and a martial, militarily united appearance were also prohibited, and the police were on site with a large contingent, interpreters and experts from the State Criminal Police Office and, according to BILD information, would have intervened immediately in the event of criminal offences or violations of the assembly regulations!

Hamburg: Demo von 2000 Islamisten. Polizei mit Großaufgebot vor Ort | Regional | BILD.de

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