19-year-old shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ attacks police officers with a knife in Bremen, Germany

An allegedly mentally unstable 19-year-old attacked police officers on Monday evening when they tried to check him in the Walle district of Bremen. He was provisionally arrested.

The adolescent ran past the police station in Waller Heerstraße at around 6.35 pm and shouted loudly, including ‘Allahu Akbar’. The officers approached the obviously confused 19-year-old and tried to calm him down. When the police officers tried to check him, he went berserk and apparently brandished a knife. He then managed to break away, dropping a kitchen knife on the floor. After a short escape, the police officers finally caught him nearby after he had run into a hairdressing salon. Here, too, he was difficult to calm down.

The officers had to threaten to use firearms at times as he kept putting his hands in his pockets. They eventually took him to the police station and he was then taken to a psychiatric facility. One police officer and the 19-year-old were slightly injured during the deployment.

POL-HB: Nr.: 0724 –Polizisten attackiert– | Presseportal