Muslim dress code for non-Muslim kindergarten teachers in Vienna, Austria

In a kindergarten in Vienna’s 14th district, the teachers were instructed to keep their clothes ‘closed in future’ so as not to provoke Muslim fathers picking up their children with the sight of them. While the responsible municipal department MA 10 and the education councillor Christoph Wiederkehr would like to keep the incident under wraps and distance themselves from the instruction on Muslim dress codes, the opposition is stunned and party chairman Karl Mahrer called on councillor Wiederkehr to act immediately: ‘This new case of completely misunderstood tolerance in Vienna shows once again the failure of the Viennese city government to integrate. Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr is called upon to act urgently and protect the teachers in this kindergarten from medieval regulations!’

Councillor Caroline Hungerländer, integration spokesperson for the Vienna People’s Party, is also calling for immediate action: ‘Instead of demanding that they adapt to our values and support the teachers – as they deserve – the teachers are being asked to bow to the medieval image of women held by Muslim fathers. This is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately by the responsible authorities!”The Vienna Freedom Party found even clearer words. ‘If Muslim fathers now want to dictate to kindergarten teachers how they should dress, then a clear stop must be put to this behaviour. Such Islamist parents have no place in this city and should return to their Islamic homeland,’ said Vienna Freedom Party leader Dominik Nepp, himself a father of two. ‘I call on Social Democratic Mayor Ludwig and Education Councillor Wiederkehr to instruct Vienna’s kindergartens to report such outrageous demands immediately and to impose consequences on these parents,’ emphasises Nepp.

Muslimische Kleidervorschriften für Kindergärtnerinnen in Wien: Oppsition ist fassungslos | Exxpress

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