The possible presidential candidate Eric Zemmour wants to “Frenchify the practice of Islam”

He launches an “appeal to Muslims”. Eric Zemmour is still in the news thanks to his stringent opinions. The editorialist, who has not yet announced his candidacy in the presidential campaign for the Elysée Palace, was a guest on the Europe 1/CNews/Les Echos programme “Grand rendez-vous” on Sunday September 26. The author and journalist naturally addressed the sensitive issue of Islam in France. He also appealed to Muslims to “Frenchify the practice of Islam”.

On the programme, Eric Zemmour told journalist Sonia Mabrouk that Islam is “a way of life incompatible with the principles of France”. In his opinion, the solution would be to urge Muslims to “break away from Islam” and to “practice a ‘Christian’ religion” in France. The former Face à l’info columnist opined on CNews that he would also like to see more “people” who distance themselves “from the theocratic and political precepts of Islam”, recalling that “Judaism has done the same”.In the same interview with Europe 1/CNews/Les Echos, Eric Zemmour denounced “a massive re-Islamisation in (certain) neighbourhoods”, without giving details or elaborating. And this “especially among young people”. The author of “La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot”(France has not yet spoken its last word) drew a parallel with communism in the 1970s, saying that it is possible to “fight Islam and Islamism while supporting Muslims”. Eric Zemmour wants to put this community “in front of (their) responsibility”. He concluded by saying, “I extend my hand to Muslims. They have no interest in Islamising the country because they fled Muslim countries.