NL: Utrecht municipality wants to impose the headscarf on female Muslim law enforcement officers

Following the Council of Europe’s “Headscarf is Freedom” campaign, the city council of Utrecht in the Netherlands has decided to introduce the fashion of the headscarf among the forces of law and order (BOA), despite the country’s legendary secularism. When you put it that way, it may sound surprising, as there are not many snakes in this country. The BOA (for Buitengewoon OpsporingAmbtenaar, i.e. Special Investigating Officers), are something like our former clerks, except that they additionally check the validity of tickets on public transport.

Under pressure from the Utrecht city councillors, the uniform, which in principle is more associated with uniqueness and form, as its name suggests, seems to be forfeiting both, with the possibility of wearing a shapeless veil to cover the hair that is so lewd. Only there is a catch: the Muslim BOA women, who have never been asked for their opinion by the municipality, probably want to continue wearing a uniform that corresponds to their function and not be put under political house arrest by wearing a headscarf, since no BOA union has made a request to this effect, despite the diversity of its members…

Among the campaigners at City Hall, the view is that “great ambitions for integration” are needed, only for this hallucinatory decision to lead, on the contrary, to the stigmatisation of certain female employees… To meet the “right measure”, kippas are also allowed, but the Jews are not insane, they will not risk being attacked in the street. And what about Sikh turbans or Buddhist prayer wheels? Another scandal of our society’s cancel culture.