Islam researcher accuses German government of caving in to Islamic lobby groups

The Islam researcher Susanne Schröter criticises the announced integration policy of the “traffic light” coalition in unequivocal terms. Instead of the principle of ” support and demand”, the new government is declaring a renunciation of demanding integrative efforts from migrants.

Schröter writes this in an article for the newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. “The success of integration is now understood exclusively as the task of the majority society.”

The sharpest instrument of this “plan for an imposed social transformation” are anti-discrimination guidelines against “group-related misanthropy”, which are aligned with demands of lobby organisations. “Numerous Muslim NGOs and their supporters have understood how to make the most of the self-accusation of bourgeois circles who consider themselves racist simply because they are white and non-Muslim,” says the head of the Research Centre Global Islam at Frankfurt’s Goethe University.

Schröter sees the spread of an aggressive, intolerant Islam among Muslim pupils as a particularly damaging development for integration, which is, however, tabooed by the leftist zeitgeist. “This is not about religious rights or even the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religious confession, but solely about Islamist supremacy,” Schröter writes. The ones who suffer are religious minorities, especially Jewish pupils, “but also liberal Muslims who are subjected to constant religious bullying”.

For children and young people from precarious backgrounds in particular, school can be a space where they can transcend the rigid conditions of their family of origin and acquire knowledge “that is ostracised as heretical knowledge in their milieus, but is the key to successful careers in our society”. Only then would they have real opportunities to participate.

But all this only works if they can develop freely at school without having to fear the influence of mosques and parental homes in the form of Islamist guardians of public moral values.