Germany: Popular “Tagesschau” anchorman insulted for book critical of Islam

The right to free speech – in the case of a news anchor, of all things, it is under attack!

At least that is the experience of “Tagesschau” presenter Constantin Schreiber (42). The publication of his socially critical novel “Die Kandidatin” was met with a shitstorm on Twitter and Facebook! Literary critics slammed the book as a “concotion”.

Similarities with trends already noticeable today not excluded …
Schreiber speaks fluent Arabic, is considered one of the best experts on Islam in the republic, does voluntary work and has founded a tolerance foundation. This does not protect him from hate mail and threats.

Despite the campaign against the author, the book published at the beginning of May is a bestseller: “Die Kandidatin” is currently number 3 in the Amazon charts.