Germany: Hardly any money for research on Islamism but plenty of money for a circle of experts on alleged Islamophobia

But the Islam expert will bite the bullet with this government: Islam researcher Susanne Schröter criticises the lack of commitment of the federal government in the fight against Islamism. “The Federal Government is persistently sweeping the problem of Islamism under the carpet,” the ethnologist told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. And further: “Neither the high potential for violence nor the problems with Islamists in schools or the oppression of girls and women seem to worry the government.”

Schröter heads the Frankfurt Research Centre Global Islam and is a member of the Federal Ministry of the Interior’s Expert Group on Political Islamism. Schröter went on to say that the fact that this “no more than provisional” group is opposed to a well-equipped Independent Expert Group on Muslimophobia speaks “volumes anyway”. According to an answer from the federal government to a parliamentary question from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, reported by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, the expert group on Muslim hostility has its own office outside the Ministry of the Interior, which provides organisational support to the group.

This enables it to hold its own events and hearings and to commission expert opinions and research. According to the information provided, the Ministry of the Interior allocated more than 162,000 euros for the office in 2021 and more than 473,000 euros in 2022. For the Islamism expert group, however, only 112,000 euros were budgeted for 2021 and only 132,000 euros for 2022.

Its organisation is carried out by employees of the Ministry of the Interior – one 0.75 post and one 0.3 post are allocated here. Andrea Lindholz (CSU), vice chair of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, told the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”: “The coalition government has so far largely ignored the danger of Islamism in Germany. Ms Faeser and the federal government are creating a security gap by doing nothing.”

Her colleague in the parliamentary group Christoph de Vries (CDU) also criticised: “The urgently needed fight against Islamism, its ideology and its representatives is a blank spot on the political agenda of the coalition government.”

“If it stood for combating all forms of extremism – like the SPD – it would not have prevented the Democracy Promotion Act until the very end.” Manuel Höferlin, domestic policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, on the other hand, said: “The Progressive Coalition takes the threat of political Islamism very seriously.”

Which coalition for progress? At most, Islamisation is progressing, but enormously. The muezzin call, which confirms the sole rule of Islam, is being allowed in more and more cities, more mosques are being opened and not checked, “infidels” are being bullied in schools. This government obviously has an interest in further cornering Christianity in Germany.