Germany: Afghan beats teenage girls with a belt

Near the Konkordiapark in Chemnitz, a 17-year-old attacked several people and injured them so severely that they had to be taken to hospital.

At around 8.50 pm, the police were called to Limbacher Street opposite the skate park. The youth from Afghanistan had gone berserk after a verbal argument and had attacked several people with his hands and a belt.

A girl (15) and two young women (18, 20) were injured. Both women had to be taken to hospital for further treatment by the ambulance service.

In addition, a 14-year-old boy was allegedly also beaten. It is not known whether he was injured, as he had left the scene before the police arrived.

The police officers who were called to the scene were successful in apprehending the alleged assailant. He was under the influence of alcohol – a test showed 1.72 per mille.

A charge of dangerous bodily harm was brought against the 17-year-old.