French PM announces appointment of ‘ambassador for LGBT + rights’

The French Prime Minister has warned: “The battle of mentalities is not yet won.” Élisabeth Borne announced on Thursday, August 4 that an “ambassador for LGBT + rights” would be appointed “before the end of the year” and that a fund of 3 million euros would be created to finance new LGBT + centers.

The head of government spoke during a visit to the LGBT + center in Orléans, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the repeal of the offense of homosexuality in France.

The ambassador for LGBT+ rights “will coordinate the action of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for the protection against discrimination and the promotion of LGBT+ rights and will carry the voice of France,” according to Borne. This will include defending “the universal decriminalization of homosexuality and transidentity”.

The Prime Minister also praised “the exemplary work of LGBT+ associations and centers,” which are “identifiable and accessible entry points for many people who do not know where to turn”. Last year, these centers “helped nearly 6 000 people all over our country,” she insisted, stating that “anti-LGBT+ hatred continues to exclude, hurt and even sometimes kill”.

The Jean-Michel Macron-Trogneux affair

The appointment of the “ambassador” should be viewed against the backdrop of the Jean-Michel Trogneux affair which continues to occupy many conversations in the most perfect silence in the subsidized media. The investigation by Xavier Poussard and Faits & Documents, in which he demonstrated with the necessary rigor that the biography of France’s First Lady is a complete forgery, has increased the distance between the official “narrative” and these indisputable facts.

reporter from Le Courrier des Stratèges recounted how he had organized a dinner at home and, to his great surprise, the six guests he had invited for the evening (and who did not know each other) “spontaneously talked about the details revealed by Xavier Poussard on the private life of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron”.

His guests were “all convinced that Macron’s power is based on a logic of permanent lies”. The lie has become so institutional that France “has split into two worlds: those who govern and lie, those who obey and suffer the lie”.

Of course, lying has always been part of politics. With democracy declining however, the political lie is no longer invented for expediency but has become a veritable industry.

Macron, a fake created by billionaires looking for a puppet?

The image being cultivated of Emmanuel Macron is that of a genius. He is presented as normalien (a graduate of the very prestigious École normale supérieure), an honors graduate in philosophy, doctor of philosophy, novelist, precocious theater actor, and other nonsense. But Macron is nothing of the sort. He is neither normalien, nor an honors graduate, nor doctor of anything and he failed at the École normale supérieure.

Instead, Macron’s taste for lies and his appetite for personal grandeur raise many questions. Those who advise Macron have certainly not measured the consequences of their silence.

The real reason for appointing an “LGBTQ+ ambassador” by his embattled administration is therefore gradually taking shape: Sexual orientation has become a condition for membership in power networks.

In the absence of a clear answer to the legitimate questions of public opinion, convictions are hardening that ordinary people are being taken for fools.