Biden’s puppet-status confirmed with script reveal

US leader Joe Biden on Thursday was outed holding a script, ostensibly given to him by his superiors instructing him on how to enter a room, sit down and when to “say hello”. The only problem is that president is not supposed to have any superiors – he was elected by the American people to be the “Commander-in-Chief”.

President Biden is clearly not the supreme commander of the United States who exercises command or control over armed forces. This script revealed that he does not have the military competencies that reside in a country’s executive leadership, as the head of state. In fact, it has become clear that he has no competencies, not even regarding the simplest of tasks. He is being controlled by a shadow group.

“YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants,” the script’s bullet points read. “YOU take YOUR seat.”

“Press enters,” it continues. “YOU give brief comments (2 minutes). Press departs (t). YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question. Note: Liz is joining virtually. YOU thank participants. YOU depart.” The questions are evidently also rigged.

Joe Biden is already the least popular president in American history, more unpopular than even Donald Trump. Americans are especially disappointed in Biden’s disastrous economic and social policies.