Altar in the Fürstenberg Chapel vandalised in Hüfingen, Germany

File:04, Burg Fürstenberg (Hüfingen).JPG,_Burg_F%C3%BCrstenberg_(H%C3%BCfingen).JPG – Author
Joachim Haller – GNU Free Documentation License, – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

In the period from Friday evening, 8 p.m., to Tuesday morning, 9 a.m., unknown perpetrators damaged a stone slab on the altar of the Fürstenberg Chapel on Neudinger Street (photo). The perpetrators probably climbed over the existing steel gate in front of the altar area of the chapel. The intruders then pushed the approximately 1.5 metre wide and heavy sandstone slab from the base of the altar, breaking it in the process. According to initial estimates, the damage amounted to about 300 euros. The Donaueschingen police ( Tel. 0771 83783-0) have started an investigation and are asking for any relevant tips.