France: “Hey, are you a Christian?” Three RN parliamentary assistants attacked in Marseille by six persons of “North African origin”; golden cross stolen

The group of party supporters was attacked by six people at the Old Port on Sunday morning. A complaint was filed.

A group of party supporters, including three Rassemblement National parliamentary workers, were attacked and robbed on Sunday morning August 6 at the Old Port in the first arrondissement of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) by six people who stole jewellery from them. A complaint was filed.

When Julien Chevet, Lukas Goslini and Thomas Molina – staff members of the MPs Frank Giletti, Gisèle Lelouis and José Gonzalez – came from the party at around 4:30 in the morning and went to their car, accompanied by Molina’s girlfriend, they were attacked by six people.


When Julien Chevet noticed his gold chain and cross missing from his neck as he was leaving the scene, he asked his assailants, who denied having stolen them, before becoming aggressive and walking towards the municipal opera house.

In the course of the confrontation, which was accompanied by provocations and aggressive gestures, Lukas Goslini was also robbed of his gold chain after one of the attackers, seeing the two small baptismal medallions around his neck, asked him: “Hey, you have the chain, are you a Christian?”.

An affirmative answer was immediately followed by a blow to the chest. The attackers were on the run and had not taken their victims’ watches or mobile phones. Mr Goslini, contacted by Valeurs actuelles, described men of the “North African in appearance” who wore tracksuits and trainers and had a strong accent.

(…) Valeurs

India: “Hide to behead, to cut off the head”  slogans in Ratlam after an allegedly controversial social media post against Islam; case registered against Instagram user

Muslims in Ratlam created ruckus near a police post. Image Source: Live Hindustan

On Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, a mob created a ruckus in front of the police post in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, during the night. This followed after an allegedly contentious social media post about Islam sparked outrage among members of the Muslim community. The situation escalated rapidly, with irate Muslims converging at the police post to voice their anger while chanting ‘sar tan see juda’ slogans.

The demonstration swelled in size within a short span, as Muslims demanded stringent action against the individual behind the controversial post. As tensions heightened, the scene drew the attention of the police station in charge, along with officers from two police stations, and the CSP.

The commotion subsided following interventions by social workers and law enforcement authorities. Police said, “An investigation has been initiated against an unidentified female, and efforts are underway to locate her. The objective now is to ascertain the actual operator behind the Instagram account.”

Additional Superintendent of Police Rakesh Kumar Khaka, CSP Abhinav Kumar Wareng, and Industrial Police Station In-charge Rajendra Verma were also manhandled at night. City Qazi Ahmed Ali who went there to pacify the situation was also sent back.

The Muslims gathered there also called for the demolition of the residence belonging to the individual responsible for the offensive post. At one point, there was even an endeavour to enter the police post by the mob. However, through collaborative interventions by CSP Warange, TI Anurag Yadav, and City Qazi Ali, the young protestors eventually acquiesced to staging their protest on the road.

Subsequently, the police lodged an FIR. Following that, social activist Imran Khokar and councillor Waseem Ali took to the police vehicle to address the crowd, successfully urging them to conclude the traffic disruption.

Additional SP Rakesh Khakha said, “Someone had posted an objectionable post on social media, following which, people of one community came to lodge a complaint as they got angry. We assured the people and have registered a case against the person who posted the controversial post. The entire matter is being investigated.”

‘They’ve f**ked off to the bottom of the sea!’ Left-wing MP Diane Abbott slammed for swiftly-deleted tweet about migrant tragedy

Former shadow home secretary for the U.K. Labour party, MP Diane Abbott


Left-wing MP Diane Abbott has been accused of politicizing a tragedy in the Mediterranean that saw 41 migrants die in a shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa, claiming they have “fucked off to the bottom of the sea.”

The remark by the former shadow home secretary under Jeremy Corbyn’s far-left leadership was in response to comments made by Lee Anderson, the governing Conservative party’s deputy chairman, who told illegal migrants arriving in Britain on Tuesday that if they didn’t like the accommodation they were provided with they should “fuck off back to France”.

In a bizarre tweet on Wednesday, Abbott posted a link to a BBC article reporting on the shipwreck off the Italian coast with the caption: “These migrants have indeed fucked off. To the bottom of the sea.”

The tweet was swiftly deleted after a backlash from social media users accusing her of politicizing the tragedy.

Others reminded the lawmaker that the migrants involved in the tragedy were not in the U.K., had no link whatsoever with the U.K., and the event had no relevance to the remarks made by Lee Anderson, who referred specifically to illegal migrants complaining about taxpayer-funded accommodation in Britain.

Abbott had previously chastised the Conservative MP for his language in relation to new arrivals in Britain, and claimed he had told asylum seekers to “fuck off back to France,” conflating genuine refugees with illegal immigrants, something Anderson clarified in an exchange on the social media platform X, previously known as Twitter.

Abbott has a long history of PR disasters. Last November, she was heavily criticized for suggesting the rape of a teenage boy at a hotel accommodating asylum seekers in northeast London last month “is what happens when you demonize migrants.”

She also previously came under fire in April for suggesting that Jewish people cannot suffer racism in the same way as Black people, but that antisemitism is more similar to the kind of discrimination someone would experience if they have ginger hair. The remarks saw her have the Labour whip suspended.

As far as public relations nightmares go, Abbott may have hit the jackpot a month before the 2017 general election in Britain, when she told a radio station that Labour’s policy to recruit 10,000 more police officers over a four-year period would cost just £300,000 — the equivalent of £30 per police officer.

At the time, Abbott was shadow home secretary and vying to enter the Home Office where her remit would have included law enforcement across England and Wales.

Planned Parenthood’s Ex-Nazi Pedophile Affiliate

Only a week after taking office, Biden rushed to repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy’ which banned foreign aid from going to abortion groups, stating that this would “support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health”.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) celebrated the resumption of cash. IPPF had lost an estimated $100 million due to the foreign abortion group funding ban and complained that, “53 healthcare projects in 32 countries were impacted… with some Member Associations losing up to 60% of their funding.”

It is unknown whether that included Pro Familia: Germany’s IPPF affiliate. In 2020, the State Department had cited Pro Familia in its human rights report despite its ugly history of pedophilia or the fact that it had been founded by a racial eugenicist who had served the Nazis.

In 2013, the UPI wire service had noted that “Pro Familia, Germany’s leading family planning group, published articles years ago that appeared to advocate for pedophilia.” The former chair of Pro Familia had been a member of the board of trustees of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität (AHS): a pedophile organization which advocated for “consensual” sex with children.

Pro Familia’s magazine published materials defending and normalizing pedophilia including from Rüdiger Lautmann, a German sociologist whose “Die Lust am Kind” (The Lust for a Child) is popular among pedophiles. Lautmann had complained about the “the misery of a forbidden love” and challenged the idea that “the small person is damaged” during sexual abuse.

“I believe that pedophiles – or more accurately, those whom we questioned – do expend a great deal of effort to obtain the child’s consent, and also, take ‘no’ seriously,” Lautmann argued.

“It would be a crass error, and downright heterosexist, to see pedophilia as failure and shortcoming relative to adult sexuality. What we have here is not a deficient but rather a differently-configured sexuality,” he contended in another chapter.

Last year it was revealed that Lautmann was on the board of an LGBTQ kindergarten in Berlin which had been formed to teach children about the sexual identity movements.

In 2013, Pro Familia claimed that it had put all the ugly pedophilia behind it, but it had made similar claims in 1998 only to continue running Lautmann’s articles. Pro Familia’s chairwoman however claimed that she took the allegations very seriously and that pedophilia would have no place within the organization.

Now parents were outraged after a day care center announced “body exploration rooms” where children would be encouraged to undress and “pet and examine each other”.

“All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” a day care center associated with one of the country’s largest worker organizations announced. “Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games.”

According to one father, “there was a so-called children’s space where the children were allowed to play unsupervised. The windows were darkened for this. I can’t imagine what happened there.”

The premise for such an idea had allegedly come from Pro Familia’s magazine. A Pro Familia sex ed expert then appeared to defend the concept. A guide from Pro Familia titled “hands in pants” depicts a young boy in that position and argues that “child sexuality” pursues “maximum pleasure” and describes “children imitating sexual intercourse” which, according to the guide, should not concern adults because “both are happy to be involved in this game”.

The latest scandal involving the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) affiliate raises serious questions about the determination of the Biden White House to keep the funding door open for overseas abortion mills. Pro Famila has remained a member in good standing of IPPF despite its history of pedophilia. And Planned Parenthood of America stayed with the IPPF and cheered the restoration of funding to the group despite its past pedophilia and Nazism.

The twisted origins of the relationship between Planned Parenthood and Pro Familia go back to Margaret Sanger, the eugenicist visionary behind the abortion group, who co-founded Pro Familia with Hans Harmsen. Much as Sanger had been willing to address a KKK event, she worked with Harmsen: a eugenicist who had served the Nazi regime’s sterilization campaign.

Planned Parenthood had since disavowed Sanger and Pro Familia has disavowed Harmsen, much as it supposedly disavowed pedophilia, but the underlying ideas had not changed.

The Left has ridiculed conservative concerns about the sexual grooming of children through sexualization in schools even as it fights to keep graphic pornography and other sexual materials in classrooms and school libraries, but the example of Pro Familia and IPPF shows there’s a thin line between sexualizing children and justifying the sexual abuse of children.

Biden launched his 2024 presidential campaign with an ad attacking Republicans for keeping a book featuring a 10-year-old performing sex acts out of schools. “’Lawn Boy‘, one of the books that the Biden ad accuses Republicans of censoring, includes lines like, “I was ten years old, but it’s true. I put Doug Goble’s d___ in my mouth.”

Some have pointed to photos and videos depicting alleged inappropriate behavior by Biden around children. A diary by Ashley Biden, his daughter, allegedly described inappropriate behavior by her father. But beyond the speculation about Joe Biden’s personal habits, there is no question that his administration has fought to enable the sexualization and abuse of children.

And not just in the United States of America.

By lifting the Mexico City policy, Joe Biden enabled the funding of IPPF including potentially that of Pro Familia. And while we may not directly fund abortions abroad, American taxpayers could be funding the sorts of nightmarish abuses and sexualization of children described in Germany.

Biden’s decision opened the door to Americans funding sexual games for children.

Will the Biden Administration Ban Cigars? While drug runners cross the border with addictive and dangerous arsenal

What is it with the Left that they want to ban nearly everything that is fun or convenient? Gas stoves, dishwashers, plastic straws, gas cars, snowmobiles and diving boards. And now the health busybodies want to ban certain cigars.

Recently, a gang of senators led by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) wrote a letter to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf urging the agency to ban (or heavily regulate) flavored cigar sales. Under pressure from the health lobby, the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products said it’s primed to take action in the weeks ahead. They say underage teenagers are smoking these cigars and are at risk of becoming addicted.

This makes as much sense as banning scotch because kids might smuggle a bottle from Dad’s liquor cabinet, or outlawing R-rated movies because 14-year-olds occasionally sneak into the theater.

In 2009, Congress and President Barack Obama enacted the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act to give the federal government the tools it needs to keep cigarettes, vapes and other addictive tobacco substances out of our children’s hands. Now, however, the FDA is using this authority to advance its political agenda in ways that exceed the original intent and purpose of the legislation.

The notion that the FDA needs to act to stop teenagers from smoking flavored cigars is simply not true.

Youth smoking of cigars, including flavored cigars, has plummeted to historic lows over the years. The FDA should know these statistics because they were the ones who funded the definitive study published by The New England Journal of Medicine. This study analyzed the tobacco use of 13,651 children, from 12 to 17 years old, and it shows that only 2.3% had ever smoked a traditional cigar, and less than 1% (0.7%) had tried one within the past 30 days. That’s hardly an epidemic of cigar-smoking youngsters.

Last year, a federal judge ruled the FDA’s decision to try to regulate premium cigars was “arbitrary and capricious” because the agency failed to acknowledge data that these products are not used by youth and, due to their usage patterns, have very different health risks. This verdict from the court, questioning the scientific basis of the FDA’s actions, makes the agency’s insistence on finalizing its flavored cigar rule by the fall even more questionable.

What is clear is we have here a case of regulatory overreach by a nonelected federal bureau. Back in 2009, opponents of the new law warned that the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act would become a slippery slope toward bans on smoking products even for adults. The bill’s advocates promised on a stack of Bibles that the law wouldn’t interfere with adults’ freedom to choose; rather, it would merely keep minors from smoking.

We now learn that this was a classic bait-and-switch move by the anti-smoking brigades. The anti-smoking lobby in Congress assigned new powers to regulators and the advocates all along, knowing this day of a ban would be coming.

I should say that I don’t smoke — except on very rare occasions, such as at a wedding. But even if you hate cigars or smoking in general, we should all recognize the danger here of letting unelected bureaucrats make these decisions. Who are they accountable to?

If Congress wants to ban vaping, smoking or certain types of cigars, they should vote on it. I suspect that few members of Congress would dare vote to outlaw cigars. It would create such a backlash from people who enjoy smoking that many in Congress would be tossed out of office.

What is doubly ironic and hypocritical here is that the real health hazard to America’s youth is the proliferation of toxic drugs — from fentanyl to opioids to cocaine. Abuse of these drugs has made drug overdoses a leading cause of death for Americans under 18. What is Congress’ reaction to that genuine killer epidemic?

Not a thing. They do nothing to stop the drug runners from crossing the border with their addictive and dangerous arsenal. They slap the wrists of the offenders when they are caught. Where is the FDA’s campaign to stop the killing? Flavored cigars aren’t good for our children, but they don’t turn our children into zombies or corpses.

If the FDA wants to improve public health, it could save tens of thousands of lives by speeding up the drug approval process so we can win the race to cure cancer, heart disease, epilepsy and diabetes. Let parents regulate what their teenagers are doing.

Family units are being targeted for destruction

By Dennis M. O’Connor

I am a retired senior.  My parents and I have lived through 47% of the time since 1776 when the country was founded, 54% including grandparents.  At that time, the family was defined as a husband, wife, biological children, and extended family.  Today many seniors had parents who experienced World Wars I and II, the Roaring ’20s, the Great Depression, and Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal.”  Personally, I have memories of World War II and the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars; civil and gay rights; and technology advancements.  Together we have experienced 21 different presidents.  Our family history is a cornerstone example of American citizenry, including Irish and German immigration.  Families gained great wisdom and knowledge from life.  They made a huge investment in their country, facing hardships and wars, and they kept the faith.  Families have a history of uniting, and together they now realize our country is in serious trouble.  A radical and corrupt government agenda has focused on changing the American family that we know and love.

Families are an American institution because they offer support and security coupled with unconditional love.  Parents almost always bring out the best in members.  One lesson my parents taught me was that change will always come and impact values and beliefs.

The “All-American Family” was identified in the 1950s.  It was based around a secure life.  Economic and global instability gave rise to the need for closely defined family units.  This led to economic advancement and social order, longer marriages, more children, fewer divorces.  Over the past half-century, the structure of the American family has undergone profound changes.  The nuclear family, which at one point served as the unchallenged cultural ideal, has slowly been replaced with a more diverse set of social arrangements.  Families must now adjust to changes in finances, marriage, society, job, children, education, and religious values.  Families accept these challenges but are frightened by the current political changes affecting our society.  Families see corrupt leadership, low integrity, ideologies like socialism, and the hatred of religion with its morality.

Families replicate values, political attitudes, religion, caring, and protective responsibility.  Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “The group consisting of mother, father and child is the main educational agency of mankind.”  Since our country’s founding, parents and grandparents established who was responsible for the education of their children.  In the early 1900s, mandatory public education began shifting certain functions into the public sector.  For example, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1962 exercised its influence on religion with church/state issues.  It did not stop there: activists continued seeking political control, forcing ideologies into our government.  Marxist thinking would ensure that children would be educated by the state and not by their parents.  Families are now being torn apart by elite government educators.  One example: The National Education Association makes it clear that educators should ignore religious values and teach their own revisionist history, and even childhood sexual moral development and identity.

It is difficult to find a Democrat political leader with qualities of faith, protection, caring, and patriotism who will support families.  The Democrat party has produced progressive leaders who openly ignore the Constitution.  They are at war with the family because they know it is a handy way to destroy American society.

Families are joining together (Moms for America, for example) and fighting to protect their precious children, given to them by their Creator.  The wisdom and knowledge derived from American family history will be a powerful antidote against these attacks.  The family’s centuries-old American roots will defeat these dysfunctional radicals.  Families will be re-established as the center of the American experience.

Majority of Brits consider migrant barges to be acceptable accommodation, polling finds

Ashley Smith, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A majority of Brits support the Conservative government’s plans to relocate asylum seekers from hotels across the country onto self-contained migrant barges, new polling revealed.

According to the latest YouGov survey, 59 percent of respondents consider the barges to be an acceptable form of accommodation for migrants who arrived in the country illegally from across the Channel and subsequently claimed asylum.

In contrast, 28 percent of those polled opposed the plans, while 14 percent had no opinion.

More people than not support the move across all regions in the U.K., although the policy is most popular across the English Midlands and the South of England excluding London, where 64 percent and 62 percent approve of the plans.

The least supportive region is London, where 48 percent are in favor of the barges, compared to 37 percent against.

Men are more inclined to back the barges than women, with 64 percent of males supportive and 26 percent opposed, compared to 53 percent of females in favor versus 29 percent against.

Support for the barges typically increases with age — 76 percent of those aged 65+ find the accommodation to be suitable for new arrivals, in contrast with just 19 percent who don’t, while 37 percent of those aged 18-24 find the barges acceptable compared to 26 percent who don’t.

Unsurprisingly, support for the plans is linked to political party affiliation, and 82 percent of Conservative voters are supportive, as are 80 percent of respondents who voted Leave in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

At the other end of the spectrum, just 37 percent of Labour voters back the move, compared to 49 percent who oppose the use of barges to house asylum seekers.

Despite the lack of support among opposition voters, members of Labour’s shadow cabinet recently admitted they would continue to use the barges if they win the next election, at least in the short term.

“The reality is that we’ve got tens of thousands of people in hotels. We need to get them out of hotels and we need to get them off the barges and out of the military camps too,” said Labour’s Shadow Immigration Minister Stephen Kinnock.

“But because of the complete and utter chaos and shambles of the Tory asylum crisis, we are going to have to continue in a very short-term period to use the infrastructure that is there — including the barges and the hotels,” he added.

The first asylum seekers embarked on the Bibby Stockholm barge docked on the tied island of Portland in the English county of Dorset on Monday. The vessel is expected to accommodate up to 500 migrants for the foreseeable future, and the U.K. government is attempting to charter similar boats to be docked across the country as it seeks to reduce the £6 million-per-day taxpayer bill to house more than 50,000 migrants in hotels.